Create a Wallet
To get started on ROBOT SHIB SWAP, the first thing you'll need is to set up a wallet that supports Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Wallets are available both on desktop computers and on smartphone devices. You'll need to choose the wallet that fits your needs best.
Smartphone/Mobile or Desktop wallet?
Mobile device wallets and desktop-based wallets have different strengths and weaknesses. Consider which fits your needs better to help decide which type of wallet to use.
Use anywhere
Easy to use
More secure
Accessibility friendly
Damage/loss/theft resistant
Power/connection outage resistant
Smartphone/Mobile wallets
Smartphone/Mobile wallets allow you to access your crypto almost anywhere. Wallets are available on both Android and iOS devices.
Which mobile wallet should I choose?
This comparison table gives an overview of the most popular mobile wallets used with ROBOT SHIB SWAP
Binance Smart Chain support
Built-in DApp browser
✅ Android
⚠️ iOS
Hardware wallet compatible
Open source (auditability)
Interact with BscScan
(for advanced users!)
⚠️ Requires some setup
🔶 Only supports SafePal hardware wallet
Last updated